From Chartlytics.com:
Rick is a BCBA-D, professor of Special Education at The Pennsylvania State University, and author of The Precision Teaching Book.
Rick has a bachelor’s degree (psychology) from Youngstown State University, a master’s and a doctoral degree (special education) from The Ohio State University. Rick has published multiple research articles, books, and book chapters on evidence-based education and measurement of student progress. He also served as the past Editor of the Journal of Precision Teaching & Celeration. Kubina has worked with school districts and charter schools using Precision Teaching, effective practice methods, and other measurably superior educational programs.
The state of visual analysis in behavior analysis
The analysis of graphic data in single case designs serves as the primary means for judging the significance of results. Single case design books provide guidelines for analyzing data within and between conditions. The following presentation describes a survey that examined 50 articles using ABAB designs within behavioral journals and focused on within condition analyses. The survey asked two questions. First, how many visual analytic tactics did the experimenters employ. And second, the quantitative and qualitative analyses reported. The results indicated the vast majority of articles used very few analytic tactics and replied mostly on level. The experimenters relied on qualitative rather than quantitative descriptions of level, trend, and variability. The presentation covers adherence to graphical analysis guidelines and the subjective nature of qualitative descriptors. Also discussed, implications for research findings and limited practitioner applicability.
Participants will state the difference between standard and nonstandard graphical displays of data.
Participants will evaluate ABAB data on nonstandard linear graphs.
Meaningfully improving visual analysis means enhancing behavior analytic services
Applied and basic researchers in behavior analysis depend on the visual analysis of graphic data. Visual analysis occurs across two phases: a within condition analysis and a between condition analysis. The roots for visual analysis began at the inception of behavior analysis. However, a growing concern within single-case design exists. Namely, the use of supplemental statistics for graphed time series data. Many criticisms lobbied against single case design stem from a lack of universal decision rules and unreliability across raters illustrate the limitations of visual analysis. Critics suggest adding statistical or quantitative analyses to visual analysis provides objectivity, increased confidence of the results, and enhances the strength of the outcome. The current presentation provides a rationale and factual information for how the Standard Celeration Chart (SCC) would meaningful impact the practice of visual analysis. Additionally, the SCC offers true individual statistical information and quantifies all within and between condition analyses.
Participants will state the elements of within condition analysis.
Participants will note the quantitative advantages of within condition analysis on a Standard Celeration Chart versus a nonstandard linear graph.